Ucholek Forte spray

UCHOLEK Forte ear spray with extracts supports the treatment of inflammation of the external auditory canal due to bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

UCHOLEK Forte ear spray can be used prophylactically in people who are particularly prone to frequent infections of the external auditory canal (using swimming pools, after diving, often switching climates, exposed to drafts).

UCHOLEK Forte ear spray:

  • softens and, through its astringent action, reduces swelling of the ear canal,
  • helps maintain optimal humidity,
  • gradually relieves pain,
  • reduces the symptoms associated with ear inflammation,
  • supports antibiotic treatment.

UCHOLEK Forte ear spray can be used when using hearing aids.


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This is a medical device. Use it according to the instructions for use or the label.

Store in a closed container, protect from light and moisture. Keep out of the sight and reach of children.


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