Management Board

Tomasz Kaczmarek


Associated with the pharmaceutical industry for 24 years. A graduate of Poznań University of Economics and Business, with Master of Business Administration, Poznań University of Technology in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and Working Machinery and Transport, and Effective Project Management – EY Academy of Business.

He began his career path at Herbapol Poznań in 1999, progressing through various stages, from Production Worker, Maintenance Mechanic, Specialist Mechanic, to Head of the Mechanical and Maintenance Department. His high qualifications, commitment, passion, and excellent knowledge of the company led him to the position of Chief Mechanic, and then Technical Director. He collaborated directly with the Management Boards of Herbapol Poznań during the most important stages of the company’s development, and also served as a Member of the Supervisory Board for one and a half-terms. In 2016-2020, he was elected twice as a Member of the Management Board of PZZ Herbapol S.A. During his work on the Board, he was responsible for investment processes, restructuring, and optimization of subordinate field branches and departments, establishing the IT department, implementing project management methodology, and co-creating the Capital Group.

Since 2022, he has served as the President and General Director of Poznańskie Zakłady Zielarskie Herbapol S.A. He focuses on the effective implementation of the company’s strategy for 2023-2026, which will guarantee the development and construction of a modern enterprise in the long term. He pays particular attention to the implemented concept of work–life balance, being aware of the positive effects it can bring to Herbapol and its employees, and how important WLB is for the ESG concept. According to Peter Drucker’s words, ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’, he believes that organizational culture is one of the underestimated elements during the implementation of changes. The right culture can help a company attract and retain top talent, motivate employees to do their best work, and encourage collaboration, innovation, and creativity.

In life, he strives to fulfill his dreams. He is passionate about music, plays the guitar, and also collects them. He prefers to relax surrounded by nature, among his family, faithful friends, and two dogs – Bazyl and Leo. His relationships with people are based primarily on trust.

Motto: ‘There is nothing that is more certain sign of insanity than to do the same thing over and over and expect the results to be different.’ – Albert Einstein

Marcjanna Metlak

Board member

Associated with the pharmaceutical industry for 18 years. A graduate of Poznań University of Economics and Business with degrees in Commodity Science and Quality Management.

She began her career at Herbapol Poznań in 2006 as a Quality Assurance Specialist. However, production and related processes remained her primary interest, so in 2013, she assumed the position of Head of the Technology and Production Preparation Department, and then Head of the Solid Forms Department. Since 2021, she has managed the production of medicines, dietary supplements, and cosmetics as the Production Director. In 2022, she became a Member of the Management Board, while still serving as the Production Director.

In her professional work, she focuses on ensuring that Herbapol Poznań is a modern, developing company with technology worthy of the 21st century. She pays particular attention to improving technological, production, and logistics processes. She believes that the internal strength of the employees and contractors will allow the company to be built based on solid and important values. In her free time, she travels, appreciates contact with nature, walks with her dog, and mountain hikes with her family. She values honesty, but above all, being true to herself.

Motto: ‘Those who don’t want to – they will find a reason. Those who want to – they will find a way.’

Hubert Spychała

Board member

He joined Herbapol Poznań in 2013 as a sales analyst. From the beginning of his professional career, he was associated with the Sales Department, and after assuming the position of Manager in 2019, he managed the strategy and implementation of sales plans. Then, as Chairman of the Supervisory Board, he supervised the proper and efficient functioning of the company to become a Member of the Management Board of PZZ Herbapol S.A. in 2022. He is a graduate of Poznań University of Economics and Business – with degrees in Computer Science and Econometrics, and Finance and Accounting.

He has set a goal to improve the profitability of the product portfolio of the Herbapol Poznań Capital Group and to implement new drugs in the coming years that will improve the comfort of patients, expand Herbapol Poznań’s offer in important therapeutic areas, and along with the company’s other products, will serve to better the well-being and comfort of patients’ lives.

He is passionate about both distant and close travels. He also discovers new forms of exploring the world, to introduce its diversity to his children best. In his free time, he likes to read literature and watch good crime movies.

Motto: ‘To succeed, you must first believe that you can do it!’ – Nikos Kazantzakis


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